Collectanea Hermetica vol 3 – den hermetiska konsten

Kära alkemister!

En ny gammal alkemisk bok har publicerats av Golden Dawn Research Trust; den hermetiska konsten. Detta var en av böckerna som de gamla GD adepeterna använde på 1890-talet, med fotnoter och introduktion av den fantastiska Florence Farr. Den nya publikationer innerhåller dock en del II och del III som Westcott inte hade tillgång, och som inte ens finns tillgänglig på internet.

Jag upplevde stor glädje och bävan i att skriva den nya introduktionen och kom genom processen att uppskatta boken väldigt mycket. De tre kapitlen gör avhandlingen till en alkemisk klassiker som för de med ögon att se uppenbarar mysteriets arbeten i, viss,  klarhet!

Den kan beställas från amazon eller adlibris (nedan), eller dirket från förlaget.

Allt gott, i LVX

Tommy Westlund

Collectanea Hermetica Volume III: The Hermetic Art is now available from the Golden Dawn Research Trust.
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Newly revised and corrected edition of
Collectanea Hermetica Volume III: Hermetic Art
Collectanea Hermetica Volume III: Hermetic Art
This book was part of the curriculum studied by members of the original Order of the Golden Dawn. The Hermetic Art by a Lover of Philalethes is an essay regarding the Art of bringing all imperfect metals into perfection. The volumes of Westcott’s Collectanea Hermetica appeared over three years from 1893 to 1896 when the Golden Dawn was at its peak. In every volume the intellectual integrity of the authors is evident, as is an eagerness to bring academic respectability to subjects derided by their contemporaries.This is the first corrected edition since Westcott’s edition which was originally published in 1894. This edition has been corrected against the original editions: Part 1 (1714); Parts 2 & 3 (1715); Westcott’s edition (1894). Parts 2 & 3 were never reprinted by Westcott and this is the first edition to contain all three Parts together. “The three parts transform the complete treatise into a coherent document,” from Tommy Westlund’s Introduction. It also contains two reviews from 1894 and a rare illustration of an Athanor which Geber invented (1542).

This edition was edited by Darcy Kuntz. It includes Note by W. Wynn Westcott; Preface to the “Hermetic Art,” by Sapere Aude; Preface to the “Hermetic Art,” Parts II & III by A Lover of Philaletha; Introduction to the “Hermetic Art” by Tommy Westlund; An Introduction to “Alchemy” by S.S.D.D.; The Hermetic Art, Parts I, II, & III; Notes, Reviews and Bibliography. Hardbound. 6×9. xxxvi, 96 pp.

Retail Price: $25.00 USD
Available from the Golden Dawn Research Trust
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