News about the Academy or alchemy

October 2024

  • An English edition of our alchemy podcast!

September 2024

  • We have made a study guide for our book Alchemy – The Divine Work. You can read and download the pdf here:

January 2024

  • We were interviewd by Guru Viking about alchemy and related topics.
  • Operation of the Seven Seals, from the Magnum Opus retreat in NY, US, 2023:
  • Celebrating New Year and Epiphany with alchemists, priestesses and grail knights at Labyrint! We made alchemical drinks and desserts!

December 2023

  • We wish everyone a peaceful and happy holiday and a fabulous New Year!
  • We have been interviewed by Guru Viking podcast. To be released soon …
  • Alchemical open house at our Stockholm temple and live podcast!

November 2023

  • Preparing alchemical elixirs with fresh herbs and monkey friends in Kenya.
  • Enjoying a sunny vacation in Kenya!
  • Celebrating the English edition at a rooftop bar in Nairobi with our loved ones.
  • Working with the alchemical silver body at the Swedish three year course in alchemy.
  • Amazon has problems with distributing our Alchemy book. We hope they will solve it asap. And get it back on Amazon UK as well … 
  • And immediately went to nr 1!

  • Our major opus Alchemy – the divine work is finally available!
    You can find it at Barnes & NobleAmazon etc! (At the moment, it is listed as unavailable at Amazon, but we hope that it’s fixed asap! B&N still has it! 

October 2023

  • A marvellous week and a magical retreat in the US! We celebrated the release of our long-awaited book Alchemy – The Divine Work. We are delighted that all 60 limited editions of our English alchemy book were sold. It will soon be available on large!

  • We prepare to travel to the US to participate at the magical retreat outside New York – Unveiling your Holy Guardian Angel! 

September 2023

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